Friday, July 5, 2013

Inferring State (Part III) / Day 27

Today, instead of toying around with methods to see what information I could extract from the JPF VM, I decided to take another route: to modify the ChoiceGenerator object, so that we could possibly use older methods (tracking all variables) in a smarter manner. In particular, I modified the ProbabilisticChoiceGenerator so that we can find out the last choice it made. Using this, we can query all variable information like listed two days ago (method #2), but we only need to do this once, and then we can just track changes based on the choices made. I'm under the impression that this is quicker than the alternative, at the very least, we can use both and we can track the choices for other purposes, if we need them. Of course, it's still not optimal: if the choice generated leads to other variables changing (as it almost certainly would), then we're still going to need to look for these variables changing after the choice generator returns. But maybe we can calculate dependent variables by pre-processing the code. Again, not optimal, but perhaps more clever. I'll look into it more tomorrow.

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