Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Winding Down / Day 68

After getting settled into my new program, I'm back to concentrating on this project. I hadn't really meant to put this aside last week, but the first week was full of classes and orientation sessions to sit in on, so I didn't have any real time to work on this. That being said, I'm back to nearly full concentration on this project, though it's unfortunate that this week has to be used in order to prepare for the pencils down portion of the program. That being said, I'm definitely planning to continue working on the project after the Google program ends, but this pencils down period must still be observed.

Today was spent doing things towards exactly that end. The day started with an early Skype meeting, which outlined some tasks to be done before the pencils down deadline. First, there was some issues with compiling my wrapper script, so I may look into simplifying that further, but it's not a big priority. Second, an issue regarding properties which I thought I had fixed resurfaced; I think I've got it fixed for sure this time, but only future testing will confirm this. Third, much was discussed about cleaning up the code, documentation, and other things that need to be done that I've been putting off.

To that end, the wrapper lacks a "-debug" option, that I've put in. I'll put out an "official" guide for command line calls to it on the page tomorrow, as well as a description of how to specify properties.

I've also started actually cleaning up code and separating anything from other packages (like jpf-probabilistic) and removing classes that aren't used anymore. And code documentation needs to be updated for most of the code, and so I spent some time doing that as well.

Simulating might still have a bug too, as during the meeting an attempt to simulate the BiasedDie example didn't terminate quickly. Might just be due to the Math.Random native peer enumerating too many options. I'm investigating. Along with that is checking various properties to see if they converge to values suggested by the PRISM output for the probability of the property being true. I'm not going to compile a formal report of these examples, but I'll probably make a spreadsheet and describe them here on the blog.

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