Since the program is officially ending, everyone should know the state of the jpf-prism code at this end. In case there is anyone reading this blog that I don't email updates to, I'm going post some concluding remarks here, taken from an email I sent to my advisers/supervisors.
All the code for the project is found at the BitBucket repository, https://bitbucket. org/jpfprism/jpf-prism,
which is still private, but hopefully we'll open it up soon. The
Javadoc for the code, which unfortunately cannot be hosted on the same
page, is located on my department webpage: http://www.math.uvic. ca/~jgorzny/jpf-prism-doc/ ( and
is included in the repository). A pointer to this link, as well as
brief tutorials on how to install the code, run the code, and specify
properties to check, can be found on the wiki on the BitBucket
repository: https://bitbucket. org/jpfprism/jpf-prism/wiki/ Home.
As for the final state of the code in terms of
functionality, I think it went pretty well (though not everyone was
finished, I'm afraid). The short of it is that we can check any Java
program that uses probabilistic functions based on Java's Random() (or
jpf-probabilistic's Choice()) method. By "check" I mean that PRISM will
be invoked on the states of the system and compute the probability of
reaching a state with that property being true. Further, in case
verification takes too long, or to confirm results, jpf-prism can be
used to run the Java code repeatedly without interference, to get an
empirical measure of the probability of reaching such a state. Further,
the code will optimize the states of the systems if possible: it will
reduce chains of states that are connected with probability 1 to a
single state, unless it cannot (e.g., a choice was made, or a property
must be evaluated in one, but not all of the chain's states).
So I think the project was mostly a success: the
basic goal of leveraging the ease of checking a Java program with JPF
and the support of probabilistic programs of PRISM has been
I should note that I'm still planning to work on the project if possible! I will simply not be doing so under the banner of Google's Summer of Code program.