Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Days 4 & 5

Friday, I didn't post much as I didn't accomplish a whole lot: I was running errands and so had some, limited time to do things. I did spend some time looking at (and writing) code, in particular seeing what the different methods new listeners could override to see what types of behavior my listeners might implement. It was fun, but I forgot to blog (and that's bad...but I'll always include missed days in the next post).

Today, I was going to actually populate the repository I set up last week, but I decided I might also want to develop on Windows (in addition to Ubuntu), and thought I would set up the required tools first. What a poor idea: Cygwin has literally been downloading and installing for hours. I think this is why I put it off when I first got this laptop a year ago. I should probably have requested fewer packages, but I never know what I strictly speaking need, so I end up getting way too many. Oh well. Tomorrow, code will be uploaded.

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